
Light for Your Soul; bread for your lives

Welcome to my new blog. I completed Bachelor of Media Studies in Edith Cowan University in 1992. I graduated from Murdoch University in Bachelor of Theology in 2003. Now I am married with two children, aged 19 and 23

My interest in watching and analysing films starting from my Media Studies in ECU. In this blog, I will share some inspiring Chinese and English movies and short films. Since primary school, I have been very curious about the meaning of life. So, I will introduce some of my favourite English, Cantonese & Mandarin evangelical preachers and speakers. Hopefully, those speakers can open some windows for us to think deeper.

Some influential clinical psychologists and psychotherapists will also be introduced .

To a certain extent, I believe Hong Kong politics will affect some parts of the world. So, I will occasionally bring out some current Hong Kong key issues and discuss how they may affect the world situations. Those sources will mainly based on Hong Kong , Taiwan, America, England and People of Republic China social media sites.

In some ways, I hope my blog can inspire and bring out different perspectives in viewing people and the communities. By understanding ourselves and others better, hope we can transform our thoughts. Be more informed and analytical in our changing world.

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